American Quarter Horse Journal

"Good Bones" earns accolades at AHP Equine Media Awards

My other American Horse Publications finalist entry, “Good Bones” earned an honorable mention in a class of 28 entries (!!) called Service to the Horse Industry. This is an article discussing research done on stall-bound horses—their bone density is negatively affected by the lack of exercise. It was fascinating and really important research, and i was glad to be able to share it wth American Quarter Horse Journal readers last year. And now, you can read it too!

High Octane Feed article for the American Quarter Horse Journal

I thought I'd posted this article already, since it was published in the American Quarter Horse Journal in 2013, but I don't think I did! It's January, and many of us (myself included) are trying to eat healthier, so I'm glad to revisit this article. It's really hard to eat healthy at horse shows. The cinnamon rolls at Will Rogers Equestrian Complex are just so delicious, and I know other shows have similar offerings at concession stands. So for this article  I talked to avid Amateur competitor and nutritionist Christine McWhorter, as well as fitness champion Monica Brant--her husband is AQHA Professional Horseman Brad Jewett. Both of my experts have spent many hours at horse shows, so they know the value of healthy food at competitions. I hope you enjoy the article!

Contracted Heels article for the American Quarter Horse Journal

Last year, I worked on a series of articles about hooves for The American Quarter Horse Journal. It was definitely a topic that stretched my knowledge in a new direction! Thankful to my expert source! I hope y'all learn something new too. This one is about the difference between contracted and pushed-up heels.

Bedding article for the American Quarter Horse Journal

I love writing articles that can help save readers money. This was an interesting article for me to write for the American Quarter Horse Journal because I spent many years working at a boarding stable cleaning stalls, but I still learned some helpful techniques to make bedding stretch further. I also liked learning about innovative products--it's not all shavings these days! Hope you enjoy!

White Line Disease article for the American Quarter Horse Journal

White line disease is a tough condition to treat. It eats away at horse's hooves, and can be both painful and chronic. This article for the American Quarter Horse Journal explores diagnosis and treatment options with the help of several veterinarian experts.

This article places second in the Service to the Reader category at the 2015 American Horse Publications seminar this past weekend. Read the article below:

Horse Show 9-1-1 with the Quarter Horse Journal

Emergencies can happen with horse at shows in an instant, but you can prepare for many of them. In this article for the American Quarter Horse Journal in April 2014, my experts shared how to spot common equine health issues encountered at shows, as well as how to treat them and prevent them.

International Riders article in Quarter Horse Journal

I really love how horses are a common denominator around the world. Whether you're living in France, Australia or good ol' Texas, some things are exactly the same. In this article, I interviewed youth riders from around the world to see what things are the same, and what things are surprisingly different about being an AQHA horse lover. Full article HERE.

Campdrafting article in January 2013 American Quarter Horse Journal

This weekend I'm covering America's 1st Campdraft in Kiowa, Colorado. You can see my posts and photos on the American Quarter Horse Association's website HERE. Last spring, I went to Australia for a few weeks. One of the best parts of my trip was attending a campdraft in Beaudesert, Queensland. I wrote a story about campdrafting for the American Quarter Horse Journal and it appeared in the January 2013 issue of the magazine. If you're wondering what this sport is and why Quarter Horses are a really good fit, check out my article.