Suspensory article in April 2012 Paint Horse Journal

I've got a crop of articles to share with y'all this week. I wrote an article for the Paint Horse Journal about suspensory ligament injuries in Western pleasure horses. Prior to researching this article, I didn't realize this type of injury occurred in horses outside of high-impact disciplines such as reining. Writing this article was an eye-opening experience. I hope you enjoy it!

You can read the full PDF of the article HERE.

Abigail Boatwright Communications suspensory ligament injury western pleasure paint horse journal david dutton kenton arnold

Abigail Boatwright Communications suspensory ligament injury western pleasure paint horse journal david dutton kenton arnold

Abigail Boatwright Communications suspensory ligament injury western pleasure paint horse journal david dutton kenton arnold

Abigail Boatwright Communications suspensory ligament injury western pleasure paint horse journal david dutton kenton arnold