Aaron Watson profile for America's Horse

Aaron Watson has long been one of my favorite country artists. I spent most of my college years attending several of his concerts each semester at the Texas Hall of Fame (RIP) and two-stepping the nights away. As he's matured, he's grown his reputation as a family man and an unashamed Christian. In 2013, I attended Carol Rose's dispersal sale and noticed two things: 1. Aaron posted a  photo with his new QH the same day and 2. he was the surprise music the preview night. I did some follow up research and in 2014, pitched a story about Aaron as a QH member to America's Horse, AQHA's member magazine. Lucky for me, editor gave me the green light.

Aaron's manager was gracious and set me up with an interview right away. Aaron chatted with me for a long time, and I felt like the story I wrote for the magazine was one of my best. And after the story was published, Aaron's latest album The Underdog went on to break records for an indie album on the country music charts!

It was my honor to win an American Horse Publications first place award for this profile last weekend! Here's the profile: